Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Be unique!

For all of the fashionistas out there, fashion is all about what you wear and how you wear it. Its about colors, trends, styles, fits, and themes. This season is all about leggings, skinny jeans, thigh high boots, and off the shoulder t-shirts. Sounds like we are backtracking to the 80's. I'm not complaining, but its very easy to point out that fashion just seems to go in circles with its trends and themes. Sure, the colors and prints may be unique from the previous go-around, but it gets kind of old. What IS good about this is that when these fashions were in style, it was in our parents generation. Trends and the ongoing cycles give every generation of people to participate in those trends at least once. This is great and all, but isn't it refreshing to see someone on the street with their own sense of style, rocking it like they own the world?! I love it when I see that personally. It shows that people are comfortable in their own skin, beliefs, likes and dislikes, and that they are confident. Fashion is what we make it. God gave every person in this world their own personal thumb-print. Lets do this with our clothes. Find something you love, and make it yours. This could be a pair of shoes, an accessory, a
jacket, or something simple like a choice in your nail polish. Be you!

1 comment:

  1. Unique Krista!
    It's your numero uno amigo...Pedro Jose Urb! I love today's blog. When you mentioned the '80s' I began to contemplate the popular hairstyles of that time. I mean if i were living in the 80s, i would rock the reverse mullet.

    On a more serious note, seeing that you are a guru amongst all fashionistas, I know you will be able to provide me with some fashionable wisdom.
    And since I am a frequent reader of your blogs, I feel that I am very knowledgeable in fashion.

    With that being said, can you help me out with a question regarding your blog.
    At the beginning of the blog you said, "This season is all about leggings, skinny jeans, thigh high boots, and off the shoulder T-shirts. Sounds like we are backtracking to the 80s."

    The quote has brought much confusion and distress within myself. When reading the upcoming seasonal styles and trends ("leggings, skinny jeans, thigh high boots, and off the shoulder T-shirts"), I realized I would have to be a gay, male prostitute in order to follow today's styles and trends.
    I mean I can't be a male prostitute. For one, Im not good at the art of gay things. two, my dad would probably throw me onto the tracks, right in front of a 100 mph train. Most of all, I think leggings are uncomfortable. They ride a certain area the wrong way.

    Much love bunny

    Pedro Jose Urb
